Friday, June 27, 2008

A manual procedure in RMMC which i want to be computerize to help those students and employees.

A manual procedure here in RMMC which I prefer to computerize is the way they check the bags or luggages of students and employees. I change it to a x-ray machine.

X-ray machines are used to screen objects non-invasively. Luggage is examined for possible bombs and weapons. These X-ray machine utilizes electromagnetic radiation to produce an image of an object, usually with the purpose of visualizing something located below the object's surface. The machine is made up of an X-ray source or X-ray tube, an x-ray detection system, and positioning hardware to align these two components with the object to be imaged.

A high technology invention help those students and employees in RMMC in examining if there is illegal weapons and bombs which threatened their life. Nowadays, it is not impossible that those people who don't have love to their fellowmen will make a move to kill innocent people.
Through this invention, we can easily detect possible harmful objects for the good of students and employees of RMMC.

Ritchelle Joy S. Tiaga
Schedule A 7:15-8:15pm

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