Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finals' Q:5 Describe one company w/ MIS,how it help & support the company,its managers & employees in their problem solving and decision making.

In Fuller Life Direct Selling they adopt MIS which help them knows the products that had been out and in of the company. They just simply show the bar code in the red light and it appears the price of the product and how many left in their stocks so that they can order again to their main branch.

In the managers and employees they can notice the following dealers who have dues and didn't pay on time, they can see the financial status of their company if its declining or not. The performance of the employees that has a recruiting strategy will also appear how many persons in a day they can recruit.Through the presence of MIS there work makes fast and they can make a move on how to improve their strategy.

Ritchelle Joy S. Tiaga


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